API documentation

Generate an access token here.

In every API method add it as an access_token query parameter.

GET /api/clients.json

Returns the list of clients and their projects.

Query string parameters:

  • active: true or false to filter clients by active status

Sample response

    "id": 4,
    "name": "Client ACME",
    "active": true,
    "projects": [
        "id": 5
        "name": "Project ACME",
        "active": true

GET /api/entries.json

Returns a list of work entries.

Query string parameters:

  • client: one or more client ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • project: one or more project ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • worker: one or more worker ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • billable_status: one or more billable statuses to filter by, separated by comma. Valid values: no_status, billable, billed, non_billable.
  • log: one or more logs (keywords) to filter by, separated by comma. Results that start with any of the given words will be included (think: SQL LIKE 'log%').
  • since: a date to only return entries from that point in time
  • until: a date to only return entries until that point in time

Sample response

    "id": 405092,
    "worker_id": 212,
    "log": "task1: subtask",
    "worked_at": "2014-12-01",
    "hours": 7.64,
    "client_id": 4,
    "project_id": 450,
    "billable_status": "billed"

GET /api/entries/sum.json

Returns the total amount of hours of the filtered entries.

Query string parameters:

  • client: one or more client ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • project: one or more project ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • worker: one or more worker ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • billable_status: one or more billable statuses to filter by, separated by comma. Valid values: no_status, billable, billed, non_billable.
  • log: one or more logs (keywords) to filter by, separated by comma. Results that start with any of the given words will be included (think: SQL LIKE 'log%').
  • since: a date to only return entries from that point in time
  • until: a date to only return entries until that point in time

Sample response


POST /api/entries/mark_as_billed.json

Marks a set of entries as billed.

Query string parameters:

  • client: (required) one or more client ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • since: (required) a date to only return entries from that point in time
  • until: (required) a date to only return entries until that point in time
  • project: one or more project ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • worker: one or more worker ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • billable_status: one or more billable statuses to filter by, separated by comma. Valid values: no_status, billable, billed, non_billable.
  • log: one or more logs (keywords) to filter by, separated by comma. Results that start with any of the given words will be included (think: SQL LIKE 'log%').

GET /api/holidays.json

Returns the list of holidays.

Query string parameters:

  • kind: one or more kinds to filter by, separated by comma. Valid values: holiday, vacations, days_off.
  • worker: one or more worker ids to filter by, separated by comma
  • since: a date to only return holidays from that point in time
  • until: a date to only return holidays until that point in time

Sample response:

    "id": 21,
    "worker_id": 8,
    "kind": "days_off",
    "from": "2014-01-02",
    "to": "2014-01-03",
    "description": "Sick"

GET /api/keywords.csv

GET /api/keywords.json

Returns the list of keywords.

Sample response:

Keyword,Budget,Start,End,Actual,Expected end,Billable
    "keyword": "task1",
    "budget": 65,
    "start": "2014-08-01",
    "end": null,
    "actual": 68,
    "expected_end": "2015-02-03",
    "billable": false,
    "keyword": "task2",
    "budget": 750,
    "start": "2012-09-01",
    "end": "2012-10-01",
    "actual": 688,
    "expected_end": "2015-05-03",
    "billable": true,

GET /api/workers.json

Returns the list of workers.

Query string parameters:

  • active: true or false to filter by active status
  • admin: true or false to filter by admin status
  • suspended: true or false to filter by suspended status

Sample response

    "id": 123,
    "email": "john@doe.com",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "hours_per_day": 8,
    "active": true,
    "admin": true,
    "suspended": false